1. Polytech
  2. 3BIO
  3. BioInfo
  4. Developed Software

3BIO-BioInfo Software

List of software , databases  and miscellaneous applications developed within the team and available online.


Software Online

PoPMuSiC Website  PoPMuSiC is a tool for the computer-aided design of mutant proteins with controlled thermodynamic stability properties. It evaluates the changes in folding free energy of a given protein or peptide under point mutations, on the basis of the experimental or modeled protein structure.
HotMuSiC Website HOTMuSiC is a tool for the computer-aided design of mutant proteins with controlled thermal stability properties. It evaluates the changes in melting temperature of a given protein or peptide under point mutations, on the basis of the experimental or modeled protein structure.
SNPMuSiC Website
BeAtMuSiC Website The BeAtMuSiC program evaluates the change in binding affinity between proteins (or protein chains) caused by single-site mutations in their sequence.
Prelude & Fugue Website PRELUDE & FUGUE predict the local structure of a protein in terms of backbone dihedral angle domains, identify sequence regions that form early during folding, and locate structural weaknesses, defined as regions whose sequence is not optimal with respect to the tertiary fold.
SODa Website SODa (SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE ANNOTATION TOOL) predicts whether or not a sequence is an Fe/Mn superoxide dismutase (sod). If so, it predicts in addition its metal ion specificity (Fe, Mn, or cambialistic), and its oligomeric mode (dimeric or tetrameric).
    SODa also proposes a list of residue mutations likely to modulate or improve the sod-characteristics or the preference for the metal cofactor or oligomerization mode.
SCooP Website SCooP is a fast and accurate method for predicting the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation associated to the folding transition of a target protein of known (or modeled) structure.
SOLart Website SOLart is a fast and accurate method for predicting the protein solubility of a target protein whose experimental or modeled structure is available.
SWOTein Website SWOTein method evaluates the contribution of each residue in a protein (or protein chain) to its overall stability.
BRANEart Website BRANEart is a fast and accurate method to evaluate the contribution of each residue to the overall stability of membrane proteins and to identify interesting residues to mutate in view of modulating stability.
MutaFrame Website MutaFrame is a progressive project that aims to couple biological data analysis with data visualizations and user interaction/customization.
SpikePro Website SpikePro predicts the fitness of SARS-CoV-2 variants based on its spike protein sequence.
vIPer Repository vIPer estimates the vertical ionisation potential of all possible single-stranded DNA sequences of any length.

Databases and Potentials

Decoys Databases Link
Statistical Potentials Link
HotMuSiC Dataset Link
ScooP Potentials Link


Miscellaneous stuff

Autoosc  package for analyzing time-series of oscillatory signals Link
Least-rectangle distance Link
Mis à jour le 26 octobre 2023